Let's talk

If you want to get in touch to organize a booking for me to speak at one of your events, then leave me you name, number, email and a quick message and i'll get in touch with as quickly as possible.

God Bless.


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Book Nicola

This is where you can book Nicola to speak at one of your events.


Book Nicola Gibb.

Nicola Gibb is one of those rare voices that can speak knowledgeably, authentically, and passionately about faith and engaging in a relationship with Jesus. A sough after artist and a a gifted writer.

She is a favorite from churches to conferences and other speaking engagements. Nicola's mix of honesty, humor and faith allows her to connect with a diverse audience.

To book Nicola, click and fill the form out with all the relevant information, and we'll get back to you as quickly as possible to ensure your event is a success!