Let's talk

If you want to get in touch to organize a booking for me to speak at one of your events, then leave me you name, number, email and a quick message and i'll get in touch with as quickly as possible.

God Bless.


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Speaking engagements.

Nicola has a busy schedule and speaks regularly across Australia, it's important to plan ahead and book Nicola. We want ensure your event is success. 

The best way to make that happen is to click the button "Book Nicola" just under the calendar, and we'll get back to you as quickly as we can to clarify further.

Nicola is a passionate evangelist and a sought after speaker, bringing REVIVAL and the power of the Holy Spirit wherever she goes. Nicola is a dynamic preacher who moves in the gift of prophesy, healing and miracles.

Nicola is committed to empowering the local church to rise up and reach out into their local communities with practical love to see hearts changed and lives transformed.

Nicola facilitates Community Events and Evangelism Workshops all over Australia.

Nicola is an ordained Evangelist and itinerant minister in the C3 Church Movement.

Nicola's powerful testimony of healing and restoration has led to hundreds of people giving their hearts to Jesus Christ.